Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hello Again

I am sitting here with a deep desire in my heart to use this blog to excite and inspire people like me who love Jesus or want to want to love Him better, and who get excited by numbers and patterns and stars and nature.  I am also sitting here realizing how much time has lapsed since I started this blog and since the last entry labeled "Part I" that was supposed to be the lead-in to something that never really got expressed.  I have a lot of words and ideas and the desire to pursue them all is sometimes quite the challenge to reign in.  

Irregularity aside, I hope that those who come across this blog will find something that they can enjoy.  This post is a first step in my intent to start again.  The topics may broaden a bit, or sometimes be oddly specific.  Sometimes I may have to let go of a little bit of perfectionism if I actually want to get them out to post.  Doesn't matter.  Hello again and I hope you will join me as I try to communicate and work out for myself what it means to live life to His glory.

Happy Tuesday, 